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Blog des superheroines de The Masked League
Blog des superheroines de The Masked League
15 janvier 2008

Galerie Catalogue publications disponibles et à venir

Galerie Catalogue publications disponibles et à venir
The Masked League #0001 Les débuts de Shirley et comment elle est devenue "Gorgeous Miss". Comics format A5 en noir et blanc avec couverture en couleur. The Masked League #0001 - Gorgeous Miss this is how the story began Black & white comics comes in...
5 novembre 2007

A small preview for the month

A small preview for the month
This is a preview from one the comics on which we are actually working. It is a piece of a story where they just came out of trouble with some villains who wanted to climaxx them. We already are selling one of them Gorgeous Miss c'est ainsi que tout a...
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